Jellyfish are one of earth’s most mysterious creatures. They are so vastly different from human beings. Their movements, brains, nervous systems and general way of existing is fascinating to adults and children alike.

UnSplash// Marat Gilyadzinov

Inspired by this intrinsic fascination with Jellyfish, I created a screencastify video through multiple modes of online media (such as Youtube videos, google images, News articles and Pinterest ideas).

This video is designed to invoke wonder in students of all ages. Here are some possible inquiry questions related to Jellyfish:

  • What do jellyfish eat?
  • What degree of sentience exists in Jellyfish? Are they able to think?
  • How did scientists use CRISPR technology to find a cure for box jellyfish stings?
  • Where do jellyfish live?
  • How many different species of jellyfish are there?
  • Why do jellyfish stings hurt?
  • Why do jellyfish change colour and turn red when they die?
  • Do all jellyfish sting people?
  • Do jellyfish predators have mechanisms to defend them against the stings?
  • What cultures have created jellyfish based art?
UnSplash// Ganapathy Kumar

This provocation could be extended by adding a field trip to the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea or the Vancouver Aquarium to look at Jellyfish after researching them.  For a lower budget approach, taking students down to a local beach to hunt for washed up jelly fish could be an option.