The class began with some constructive peer feedback about these blogs posts. Thankfully, I received lots of positive reviews! So far, so good. I also loved being able to see what my peers are blogging about. From baking to fitness and everything in between, people sure are choosing interesting avenues for their inquiries!

We then formed groups of four and began to work on presentations about various tech tools we can use in our future classrooms. Lauren B, Lauren M, Carly and I researched imovie and its role in education. Some of my favourite projects when I was in elementary school myself were created on iMovie, so I would love to be able to teach this in the future!

Some of the benefits of using iMovie as an instructional tool include:

  • Multimodal ways of sharing knowledge – videos, pictures, audio and words
  • Interesting to kids, spices up their lives !!
  • Teaches photography/ video skills 
  • Allows students to document experiences, which, in turn, can help teachers see the world through their eyes
  • Students can work individually or in collaboration with each other

However, there are also some drawbacks to iMovie, including:

  • The trailer format specifically doesn’t leave a ton of room for creativity in terms of videos editing, which means projects can be completed quickly but will be relatively formulaic 
  • Students experiencing technical difficulties may get easily frustrated and unmotivated 
  • Not all students enjoy performing/ acting and may feel uncomfortable showing their video trailers to their classmates

Being able to hear classmates presentations about various educational tech platforms was such a treat! I am now full of ideas about how to incorporate mymaps, fresh grade, duolingo and other useful tools into my future practice

All in all, today’s tech class was an informative and interesting one!

Until next time,
